Helen's Garden Renovation Project

Sunday 12 April 2015

Five years on

Filed under: Progress — Helen @ 1:00 pm

Today was the fifth anniversary of Dave’s death, and I planted another rhododendron.

Rhododendron yakushimanum Percy Wiseman

Rhododendron yakushimanum Percy Wiseman

The stone ornament to go with it is another frog. This will be the final commemorative planting, unless one of the previously planted rhododendrons dies, because next year there will be no more garden left to plant in.

It was a very sunny morning, and I took a walk around the garden. I thought next door’s fencing man had killed off my Dicentra, but a few weeks ago I discovered that it had come up again, and now it’s about to flower. I also thought that my thyme and phlox had died during the winter, but leaves are appearing. Neither plant is looking enthusiastic at the prospect of another growing season, but a couple of weeks may make all the difference. If Dave had been here today and I had been showing him the garden, he would have endured the tour patiently, but all he would have been interested would have been the ponds.
