Helen's Garden Renovation Project

Saturday 24 April 2010

The magnolia again

Filed under: Magnolia,Progress — Helen @ 2:13 pm

The magnolia in a pot still hasn’t died and is flowering again. It has only four flowers this year, but I am not complaining. I am just glad that it survived the hard winter.

One of four flowers from the magnolia growing in a pot

One of four flowers from the magnolia growing in a pot

We have had an exceptionally long period without rain. I haven’t been able to do as much gardening as I would like because I have been busy with other things, but I have been keeping the pots weeded and well watered. They will get their late spring dose of vine weevil killer at the beginning of May. It will be lovely when I finally get the pond and lawn constructed and I can at last plant my potted plants in open ground, so they will need less feeding and no de-weevilling.


Friday 16 April 2010

Gardening binge

Filed under: Brimstone butterfly,Progress — Helen @ 4:38 pm

With the sudden change to dry and slightly warm weather, I have been spending a lot of time in the garden this week. I have finished breaking up the concrete foundation into manageable pieces. The chunks that I had before I did this were too heavy to lift safely, which was a nuisance. So I broke them up into two. Each chunk probably weighs about 5 – 7 kg, which is easily manageable. I now need to get all the fragments of concrete off the lawn so I can mow it without damaging the mower blade.

I also rearranged my pots. I had put some near the pond for the winter, thinking that I would get the landscaping works done in January, but I had to move them because the plants got their first feed on Monday morning, and it would have been very bad to have let the run-off from the fertiliser drip into the pond. I don’t think the newts would enjoy vine weevil killer either, which is what the plants can look forward to getting at the end of the month.

The current arrangement of tarpaulins

The current arrangement of tarpaulins

I saw my first brimstone butterfly on 10 April 2010, but not in my garden. It was fluttering above the junction of the A3 and the M25. I think that’s quite late in the year for a first sighting, but I am not surprised about this.


Sunday 4 April 2010

Another tarpaulin deployment

Filed under: Progress — Helen @ 2:29 pm

After last week’s sunshine bonanza, we have had a week of water. I managed to get out on Friday to tidy up a bit. I replaced the tarpaulin in the middle left of the garden with a bigger one and used the original tarpaulin to put on top of the area in the centre, where the viburnum used to be. I couldn’t lay them out very neatly because it was windy and they kept billowing out when I tried to fold them. I have also stacked up some of the chunks of path foundation out of the way (see the pile at the right-hand edge of the picture). I need to chop some of them up with my pickaxe because they are so very heavy to lift.

Deployment of another tarpaulin

Deployment of another tarpaulin

I still have not seen a single cat in my garden. I found some droppings in the middle of the path of the cat repeller a week ago, but I think they were from a fox. The battery hasn’t run down yet, despite me forgetting to turn off the device on the day Graham the window cleaner visited.
