Helen's Garden Renovation Project

Thursday 21 July 2011

The frog and the rhododendron

Filed under: Progress — Helen @ 7:02 pm

I have acquired a frog from Bourne Buildings, and installed it next to Dave’s rhododendron. The frog seems a bit on the large side compared with the rhododendron, so maybe I will not keep the frog there permanently, but this is where it lives for now.

Frog next to Dave's rhodendron

Frog next to Dave's rhodendron

It is time to announce the results of the Willowherb Elimination Stakes 2011. For new spectators, this sport consists of me trying to pull up all the willowherb before it sets seed. Once again, the willowherb gets the trophy.

Willowherb successfully producing seeds

Willowherb successfully producing seeds

At this time of year there is not much time for Renovation because everything grows so fast it is as much as I can do to keep up with the weeding, pruning and lawn mowing. My apple trees are both heavily laden. And my hibiscuses are just getting going with the flowering. This one is next to the conifer in the corner. I am going to move it, but I don’t know where yet.

Hibiscus grown from seed

Hibiscus grown from seed

And this is my hibiscus Blue Bird, which lives in a pot at the moment. Again, I am going to have to think of somewhere to put it.

Hibiscus Blue Bird

Hibiscus Blue Bird
